What is Pixie Dust...
Pixie dust has a few meanings….
In the Disney world, members may ask for Pixie dust to be “sent their way” for good wishes for what-have-you.
But on a cruise (or even in the parks) it can take on a whole other meaning..
Basically random acts of giving without the expectation of anything in return
YOU DO NOT NEED a list to sign up for and can be done by anyone at any time! . Many put magnets on stateroom doors randomly (but usually have a sticker on the back saying you have been pixie dusted and so parents dont think the item landed there in error).
Some may hand items out to a passer-by like candy or small trinkets. While saying “pixie dust to you” (however we are finding many people are reluctant to take items especially if they dont know what pixie dust it)
Ive known people to leave a small items with a tag on place settings at dinner randomly. Sometimes people “pixie dust” cast members will all kinds of items just for saying thanks. SO have fun with it.
* Pixie dust can also be given by Cast Members on the ships. This may come in the form of special sheets on a child's bed, invited to "kiss goodnight" on the last night, items left in your cabin etc..
Pixie dust is not something you ask for. That's part of the magic.
*This is different than the FE exchange, and has nothing to do with the FE. This is random
*IF YOU ARE DOING PIXIE DUST... PLEASE label in some way.
EXAMPLE: Pixie dust from cabin 1234 or spreading pixie dust from cabin 1234 to yours..
Some are not sure what it is and may think it landed or given in error. Best to label, especially if you are putting random magnets on doors :)